Working with Farmers with Disabilities – University of Sydney safety resource

The Mental Health and Wellbeing of farmers and farm families has been an ongoing area of research and development for the Centre.

Following the Farm Family Business project funded by the Department of Family and Community Services, the resource “Managing the Pressures of Farming” was produced and continues to be distributed widely.

Farmers’ Guidebook to Work Health and Safety

The South Australian guide covers some of the most common risks faced by farmers, such as plant and machinery and industry-specific hazards (like stockyards and hay baling). Practical safety solutions and tips for compliance are provided throughout.

Child Safety – Two Wheel Motorcycles

Many children on farms learn to ride two wheel motorcycles recreationally before they progress towards riding motorcycles to perform farm work.
Teaching children to ride motorbikes recreationally is strongly recommended before allowing them to ride bikes on the farm.

Water and Effluent Safety

Water and effluent are significant hazards on farms. On average, five children drown on Australian farms each year. Most are under the age of five and a third are visitors.

Energy Safe Victoria: Farm Safety Sign

Free display signs from Energy Safe Victoria for display on farm fences near overhead powerlines to remind drivers not to tip under or near powerlines.