Risk Management Tools – from Farm Safe Australia

Under the WHS Act 2011 farm owners, managers and employees have specific responsibilities and duties of care. These risk management tools from FarmSafe Australia can help.
Spraying Pesticides: Risk Assessment Tool – from Work Safe Victoria

How to identify, manage and reduce health and safety risks to employees and contractors using pesticides.
Giving kids responsibilities with boundaries to make them passionate about industry

Lee-Ann Thompson admits she often sounds like a “broken record” when it comes to her kids’ safety on their Manangatang farm, but it’s something she says she’s not willing to be complacent about.
Child Safety – Forklifts and Telehandlers

Forklifts and telehandlers are high-risk machinery that children should have no involvement with until they are at least 18 years of age.
Child Safety – Supervision

Working children should be actively supervised while performing farm work. You should first determine if the task is a good match for your child’s abilities and maturity level, and then use these categories to select the level of supervision needed.

It is common practice for subcontractors to come onto farms to help out at different times of the year. Whether it be a shearer, a contractor helping out at harvest, or a delivery driver, it’s often someone you’ve never met before, or who’s never been to your farm before. New people coming onto your farm present risks, so to minimise or eliminate these, it is important to have procedures and policies in place.

Farming can be very stressful at times. Extremely climatic events, market fluctuations, labor shortage and natural disaster can all contribute to stress. Social isolation and working long hours can make this hard to cope with. Use this guide to help you through these difficult times.
Confined Spaces

Confined spaces can be very dangerous. More than any other area of safety on dairy farms, confined spaces require the owner or person conducting the business to comply with legal regulations.
Safer Sorting and Grading on Conveyors – advice from Work Safety QLD

Sorting and grading goods on conveyors saves time and money and helps to keep the quality high. But it comes with the risk of serious injury.
FACT SHEET – Safe operation of a Side by Side vehicle

Operating side by sides can pose a number of risks to drivers and passengers.
When a side by side overturns, there is the risk of being killed if thrown from or crushed by the vehicle. People can also be thrown around inside the cabin or hit by loose objects, and receive serious or even fatal injuries.