FACT SHEET – Safe Operation of a chainsaw
A chainsaw comes in handy on the farm but it also comes with risks.
It is essential those operating it are fully trained and capable of using it, and that the correct personal protective equipment is worn, to avoid serious illness or even death.
FACT SHEET – Safe Operation of a Feed Mixer
Using a feed mixer can help streamline the feeding of livestock, however there are a number of risks that farmers need to be made aware of.
Shearing Shed Amenities
It is the responsibility of property owners to ensure their shearing sheds have adequate amenities on site for when contractors come to shear their sheep. Shearing sheds are just like any workplace and therefore need to have all the facilities that people may require while they spend their work day on your farm.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is a workplace hazard as it can result in psychological and physical harm of the victim. Employees should feel safe coming to work, whether that be at an office space or on a farm, knowing that they can do their job without the threat of being harassed by a coworker or manager. Farmers should ensure all staff are aware that sexual harassment is against the law, and not tolerated in their workplaces.
Farm Security Checklist – from Victoria Police and Crime Stoppers
Victoria Police and Crime Stoppers have prepared a checklist to help primary producers assess the security of their properties.
Farm Security
Farms can often become victims of crime given the high-value assets stored on them, and that they are sometimes accessible to the general public. Farmers should be conscious of how vulnerable they are to crime and do everything they can to keep their properties secure. Farm security can be time consuming, but in the long run, it can save you time, energy and money.
Grandparent says farm safety is a ‘journey, not a destination’
Archies Creek farmer Ric Oldham says there is absolutely no way he would let his grandchildren do some of the things he used to do when he was a kid growing up on a farm.
Child Safety – Riding Horses on Farms
Farmers need to ensure that they invest time and effort when sourcing a suitable horse for their children. Appropriate temperament, behaviour, health condition, age, and life experiences of the animal will directly contribute to the riding experience your children will encounter.
Child Safety – Quad Bikes
Quad bikes are a major cause of death and serious injury in Australian children and adults. Across Australia, between 2001 and 2017, 42 children were killed in quad bike incidents.
Child Safety – Lead by Example
Working children learn by imitation.
A child is more likely to be safety conscious if you are. Make sure your child sees you (and your employees) performing tasks safely. Explain the potential for danger and how injury can be avoided.