Child Safety – Identifying and Controlling Risks
Many farmers would be unaware that OHS laws also extend to ensuring that the workplace is safer for their families and visiting children.
Child Safety – Chemical Safety
Unfortunately, many farmers manage the risks of chemical safety on their farms intuitively without understanding the hazardous nature of the substances they use, or the risks associated with the storage and handling of these materials.
Child Safety – Fires
Working children will often assist in the preparation of bonfires, scrub burns and post-harvest paddock burns.
Kid Farm Safety Checklist – advice from KidSafe
Use this checklist from Kidsafe to keep your child safe on farm.
15 Minute Farm Safety Check – a checklist from Work Safe Victoria
This quick farm safety checklist from WorkSafe Victoria will help identify how safe your farm is, and what you can do to reduce or eliminate risks.
Grain Handling Safety – a Farm Safety Australia resource
This publication aims to provide a practical guideline for grain producers, managers and workers to improve and ensure the safety of those who work with grain production and grain handling, and those who are in the vicinity of areas where grain production and handling is being undertaken.
Safe Cattle Handling Guide – an ACHAS resource
This safety guide aims to assist cattle producers improve the health and safety of workers handling cattle by identifying safety hazards and outlining options to control safety risk.
Reference Guide OH&S for Broadacre Agriculture
This publication is intended to be used in conjunction with a process of risk assessment and the development and implementation of action plans by agricultural businesses to potentially reduce incidents of workplace injury.
Rural Aid Counselling Program
Rural Aid provide economic and empathic assistance to rural communities impacted by natural disaster by partnering with key stakeholders to deliver meaningful outcomes.
Growing our future farmers comes with its risks
Tourello farmers Steve and Ruth Kinnersly believe the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted how lucky their children are to live on a property with so much space and freedom, but they are aware this luxury comes with associated risks.