Electrical Safety

Farmers wouldn’t be able to operate or live without power, which means powerlines and power poles play an essential role getting energy where it’s needed. At the same time, cables are often found underground on farms, meaning electricity is present in a lot of places. As vital as this connection is, electricity doesn’t come without its risks. When farming equipment or vehicles get too close to powerlines, power poles or underground cables, the results can be fatal, so it is essential that farmers are cautious around all electrical units.


Learn how to be safe around electricity on your farm


According to Energy Safe Victoria, there are many things farmers can do to co-exist with electricity safely on their properties.

  • Property owners should keep areas under and near powerlines and power poles clear from any materials, such as hay or timber
  • You should not alter ground levels under or near powerlines or power poles
  • You should not erect or place structures or equipment such as sheds, silos and irrigation equipment near or underneath powerlines or power poles
  • You should not plant tall-growing trees near or underneath powerlines or power poles
  • You should know and record the location of underground cables, and make sure you confirm these locations before digging or doing excavation work
  • You should keep records available and advise anyone entering your farm of the risk of existing overhead powerlines and underground cables
  • You should create and clearly identify designated site entry and exit locations, drop off and pick up points
  • You should set up physical barriers, warning signs, barricades and visual aids to restrict access to areas under powerlines
  • You should plan vehicle, machinery and equipment travel paths and designated travel paths for vehicles with high equipment to avoid them going under or near powerlines